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제목 The distribution and function of the cranial nerve
Name 관리자 Date 2014-07-02


The distribution and function of the cranial nerve


Ⅰ.OlfactoryThe nerve responsible for smell, it is fiber that comes out of the sensory nerve in the mucous
membrane of the upper region of the nasal cavity. It goes through the ethmoid foramen into the
anterior cranial fossa and arrives at the olfactory bulb of the brain.
Ⅱ.OpticThe nerve responsible for vision, the fibers from the sensory nerve in the retina come
together to form it.
Ⅲ.Oculomotor It consists of the motor nerves that control the superior rectus, the inferior rectus, the medial
rectus, the inferior oblique, and the levator palpebrae superioris. The parasympathetic nerve
that is responsible for the constriction of the pupil is also included.
Ⅳ.TrochlearMotor nerve that only controls the superior oblique.
Ⅴ.Trigeminal It is a mixed nerve composed of sensory nerve and motor nerve and is the thickest among
the cranial nerves. The sensory part is divided into the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve,
and the mandibular nerve. They distribute to the facial skin, the membrane of the nasal and
oral cavity, and the teeth and control the senses. The motor part controls a little bit of small
muscles such as the muscle of mastication.
Ⅵ.AbducensAmong the ocular muscles, it is the nerve distributed in the lateral rectus muscle and it
enables the eyeball to rotate outwards.
Ⅶ.FacialMost are motor nerves that control the muscle of expression.
It is divided into vestibular nerve and cochlear nerve. The vestibular nerve is distributed
into the semicircular duct, utricle, and saccule of the inner ear and is responsible for the
sense of equilibrium. The cochlear nerve is distributed to the cochlear duct and is
responsible for hearing.
Ⅸ. GlossopharyngealIt includes sensory, motor, and sense of taste. It is a mixed nerve comprised of the sense of
taste of the tongue, the sensation of pharynx and middle ear mucosa, the motor neuron that
controls a part of the pharyngeal muscle, and the parasympathetic fibers that control the
secretion of the parotid gland.
Ⅹ.VagusIt is the longest of the cranial nerves and since it was not possible to learn its distribution in
detail, it was named vagus. It is mostly parasympathetic and it is distributed in the head, the
neck, the chest, and the abdomen. In the head, the sensory fiber goes to the auricle and the
external auditory canal. It branches to the pharynx, larynx, and the heart from the neck and to
the bronchus and the esophagus from the chest. With the exception of the lower region of the
large intestine and the pelvic viscera, the vagus nerve is distributed to most of the internal
organs of the abdomen. The recurrent nerve that branched off the thoracic cavity is distributed
to the laryngeal muscle and the laryngeal mucosa. If the recurrent nerve is paralyzed, it
interferes with vocalization and causes hoarse voice.
ⅩⅠ. AccessoryIt is a pure motor nerve that was separated from the vagus nerve. It goes out partly from the
medulla oblongata and the upper region of the spine to the trapezius in the shoulder and the
sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck area.
ⅩⅡ. HypoglossalIt is motor nerve that controls the infrahyoid muscle and toungue and is responsible for the
movement of the tongue.
