제목 | |||
작성자 | 관리자 | 등록일 | 2018-01-09 |
Introduce the project
The purpose of this project is to verify the relationship between cancer and various metabolic diseases using national claim data linked cancer registry. We will also examine the disease management behavior of cancer patients. We want to create the basis for managing cancer survivors with these results.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- National Cancer Center
Introduce the project
We are developing the evidence association between liver disease and metabolic health.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Division of Gastroenterology, Nephrology in Samsung Medical Center
Introduce the project
We are developing the evidence association between brain health, brain aging and metabolic health.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Department of Neurology
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Division of Endocrinology
Introduce the project
We are developing the evidence association between lung cancer and pulmonary health (especially COPD) and metabolic health.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Division of Endocrinology
Introduce the project
We are evaluate unbiased information on the characteristics, procedures, and outcomes of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions in a long-term nationwide study by using the data from health insurance review and assessment (HIRA).
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Department of Critical Care Medicine
Introduce the project
Patient-Reported Outcomes of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events(PRO-CTCAE) is a new patient-reported outcome measure developed to evaluate symptomatic toxicity in patients with cancer. We are developing Korean version of PRO-CTCAE and a system(ePRO) such as the web, an application, or an interactive voice-response system for data collection. The ePRO system includes customized PRO-CTCAE questionnaires, tailoring the schedule for mornitoring symptoms, as well as patient reminders and information about side effects.
We completed translation into Korean version of PRO-CTCAE. You can find out more about it on the website.
*Web page on PRO-CTCAE instrument & Form Builder:
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Department of Hematology and Oncology
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Cancer Education Center
Introduce the project
We are developing a Korean version of the PROMIS (Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) instruments and its e-PRO (electronic-Patient Reported Outcomes) platform in Clinic.
SMC was approved as the Korean representatives for PNC (PROMIS National Center).
*Web page on PROMIS International:
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Cancer Education Center
Introduce the project
We tries to do perform research to give evidence to obtain reliable cancer information, unmet needs and education materials angled towards cancer patients. The aim of the projects is that increasing treatment’s effectiveness and to support healthy living.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Cancer Education Center
Introduce the project
The purpose of this project is to build the SMC's colon cancer registry. This data is used to identify factors related to the prognosis of cancer.
Introduce the team
Project Member
- Colorectal Cancer Center
- Breast Cancer Center
- Liver Cancer Center
- Lung Cancer Center