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현재 페이지 위치 : Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine > Therapy Units > Pediatric Physical Therapy Room

Pediatric Physical Therapy Room



For infants and toddlers with developmental issues, our staff will carry out a detailed analysis of their movements in an attempt to determine methods that could be used to address any issues where possible. The staff will focus on treatments that facilitate normal development through various sensory stimulations, muscle strengthening exercises, and balance/ gait training.

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The staff uses normal movement patterns of sitting, standing and walking to give the children normal sensory inputs. This type of sensory-motor training will have an effect on their perception and cognition. To enhance their daily living skills, our staff will assist in increasing the range of motion of their joints and strength of their muscles. The staff will also encourage them to repeat and continue these exercises at home by themselves to maintain their skills. Because it is important that the treatment is in harmony with daily living conditions, our staff will continuously exchange information with the family concerning current living conditions and other issues that the child may be facing. For patients with torticollis, the staff will initially perform exercises such as stretching of neck muscles, and then progress to strengthening the neck and trunk muscles in order to correct head posture and body alignment.