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소아청소년 알레르기호흡기분과 안강모 교수

아토피피부염, 식품알레르기, 천식, 알레르기비염, 면역결핍증, 소아호흡기질환, 류마티스질환
진료일정 07 月
진료일정 08 月


2005.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (박사)
1994.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (석사)
1989.02 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)


2023.04 ~현재 삼성서울병원 소아청소년센터장
2011.09 ~현재 삼성서울병원 아토피환경보건센터장
2011.04 ~현재 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 교수
2021.04 ~ 2023.03 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 과장
2021.04 ~ 2023.03 성균관의대 소아청소년과학교실 주임교수
2012.03 ~ 2015.03 삼성서울병원 연구전략실 연구협력팀장
2005.04 ~ 2011.03 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 부교수
2005.09 ~ 2006.08 미국 뉴욕 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 연수
2000.03 ~ 2005.03 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 조교수
1999.03 ~ 2000.02 일본 국립소아병원 의료연구센터 알레르기과 연구 전임의
1997.05 ~ 1999.02 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 호흡기 및 알레르기 분야 전임의
1994.03 소아청소년과 전문의 자격 취득
1990.02 ~ 1994.02 서울대학교병원 소아청소년과 레지던트 과정 수료
1989.03 ~ 1990.02 서울대학교병원 인턴과정 수료


소아 아토피피부염 및 식품알레르기
1. 소아 아토피피부염 아토피피부염은 대부분 소아기에 발생하며, 발생 원인은 상당히 다양합니다. 또한 이미 아토피피부염이 발생한 경우 증상이 급속히 나빠지는 악화요인도 개인별로 다릅니다. 이러한 요인들로서는 유전자 이상, 식품 혹은 흡입 알레르겐에의 노출, 사회경제적 상태, 장내 세균의 분포, 공기 및 접촉을 통해 피부에 영향을 주는 각종 오염물질 등이 거론되고 있으며, 저희 연구팀에서는 이러한 다양한 요인들을 확인하고 이를 치료에 응용할 수 있는 방법들을 연구하고 있습니다. 2. 소아 식품 알레르기 식품 알레르기도 주로 2세 이하의 소아에서 많이 발생하고 있으며, 연령에 따라 흔한 원인 식품이 다르게 나타납니다. 진단을 위해서는 의심되는 식품을 섭취한 증상이 나타나는지를 확인하는 유발검사를 해야 하며, 치료는 해당 식품의 철저한 제한 및 대체식품의 제시를 통해 이루어집니다. 저희 연구팀에서는 이미 과거부터 유발검사를 정확하고 안전하게 식품알레르기를 진단해오고 있으며, 그들 중 지속적으로 나타나는 식품알레르기 환자를 선별하여 면역치료의 효과를 검증하는 연구를 하고 있습니다.


2011.04 ~ 현재 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회 간행이사
  • INT J MOL SCI 2024 10.3390/ijms25116215 Potential Effects of Low-Level Toluene Exposure on the Nervous System of Mothers and Infants Yu, SY; Kim, SH; Choo, JH; Jang, S; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Hwang, SY
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  • J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN 2024 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.12.024 Allergic rhinitis phenotypes with distinct transcriptome profiles in children: A birth cohort Shin, YH; Kim, JH; Lee, SH; Lee, SY; Park, YM; Choi, EJ; Paek, EY; Song, KB; Park, MJ; Jung, S; Yoon, J; Suh, DI; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN 2024 10.1016/j.jaci.2024.02.014 Skin biomarkers predict the development of food allergy in early life Berdyshev, E; Kim, J; Kim, BE; Goleva, E; Lyubchenko, T; Bronova, I; Bronoff, AS; Xiao, O; Jang, S; Shin, S; Song, J; Kim, J; Kim, S; Park, B; Kim, K; Choi, SJ; Oh, SY; Ahn, K; Leung, DYM
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  • FRONT MICROBIOL 2024 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1383779 Advanced fructo-oligosaccharides improve itching and aberrant epidermal lipid composition in children with atopic dermatitis Kim, S; Kang, BG; Sa, S; Park, SY; Ryu, K; Lee, J; Park, B; Kwon, M; Kim, Y; Kim, J; Shin, S; Jang, S; Kim, BE; Bae, J; Ahn, K; Liu, KH; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGY 2024 10.1111/all.16098 Disparities in pediatric anaphylaxis triggers and management across Asia Leung, ASY; Tham, EH; Pacharn, P; Xing, YH; Trinh, HKT; Lee, SY; Ahn, K; Chatchatee, P; Sato, S; Ebisawa, M; Lee, BW; Wong, GWK
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2024 10.4168/aair.2024.16.2.202 Validity and Reliability of the Korean Versions of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire-Child Form and Teenager Form Jung, MY; Kim, S; Yoo, HW; Kim, HY; Kim, M; Lee, JY; Park, B; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Kyung, Y; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2024 10.4168/aair.2024.16.2.154 Postpartum Maternal Anxiety Affects the Development of Food Allergy Through Dietary and Gut Microbial Diversity During Early Infancy Cho, H; Kim, J; Kim, S; Jeong, HI; Kwon, M; Kim, HM; Shim, JS; Kim, K; Baek, J; Kyung, Y; Choi, SJ; Oh, SY; Bae, J; Won, HH; Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA PROC 2024 10.2500/aap.2024.45.240001 Initial updosing phase of oral immunotherapy improves quality of life and psychological burden in parents of children with food allergy Shin, S; Jang, S; Kim, J; Song, J; Park, S; Kim, Y; Lee, MH; Kim, HM; Choi, YR; Jung, M; Kim, M; Lee, JY; Baek, J; Kim, S; Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • INT J MOL SCI 2024 10.3390/ijms25031579 Epigenetic Methylation Changes in Pregnant Women: Bisphenol Exposure and Atopic Dermatitis Kim, SH; Yu, SY; Choo, JH; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Hwang, SY
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  • ALLERGOL INT 2024 10.1016/j.alit.2023.09.005 Insights from the COCOA birth cohort: The origins of childhood allergic diseases and future perspectives Lee, E; Lee, SY; Kim, HB; Yang, S; Yoon, J; Suh, DI; Oh, HY; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Hong, SJ
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  • J KOREAN MED SCI 2023 10.3346/jkms.2023.38.e208 Psychological Distress and Perceived Burden in Parents of Korean Children With IgE-Mediated Food Allergy Jung, M; Kang, U; Kim, S; Yoo, HW; Kim, HY; Kim, M; Lee, JY; Kim, K; Lee, E; Kang, BC; Park, B; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • BMC PEDIATR 2023 10.1186/s12887-023-04156-1 Blood eosinophil related to maternal allergic rhinitis is associated with the incidence of allergic rhinitis in offspring: COCOA study Choi, EA; Nah, G; Chang, WS; Lee, SY; Suh, DI; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ; Kim, YY; Lee, HJ
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  • ANN ALLERG ASTHMA IM 2023 10.1016/j.anai.2023.03.020 Associations of prenatal antibiotic exposure and delivery mode on childhood asthma inception Lee, E; Park, YM; Lee, SY; Lee, SH; Park, MJ; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ
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  • J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN 2023 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.02.013 Stratum corneum lipid and cytokine biomarkers at age 2 months predict the future onset of atopic dermatitis Berdyshev, E; Kim, J; Kim, BE; Goleva, E; Lyubchenko, T; Bronova, I; Bronoff, AS; Xiao, OLV; Kim, J; Kim, S; Kwon, M; Lee, SJ; Seo, YJ; Kim, K; Choi, SJ; Oh, SY; Kim, SH; Yu, SY; Hwang, SY; Ahn, K; Leung, DYM
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2023 10.4168/aair.2023.15.3.271 The Effect of Prebiotics on Atopic Dermatitis Ahn, K
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2023 10.4168/aair.2023.15.2.186 Alterations of Epidermal Lipid Profiles and Skin Microbiome in Children With Atopic Dermatitis Kim, J; Kim, BE; Goleva, E; Berdyshev, E; Bae, J; Kim, S; Kim, HY; Lee, UH; Kim, MS; Jung, MY; Kim, H; Lee, JY; Leung, DYM; Ahn, K
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  • CLIN IMMUNOL 2023 10.1016/j.clim.2023.109269 Minimal dose of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without myelosuppressive conditioning for T-B plus NK- severe combined immunodeficiency Yi, ES; Ju, HY; Cho, HW; Lee, JW; Sung, KW; Koo, HH; Kang, ES; Ahn, KM; Kim, YJ; Yoo, KH
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  • ALLERGY 2023 10.1111/all.15640 Staphylococcus aureus causes aberrant epidermal lipid composition and skin barrier dysfunction Kim, J; Kim, BE; Berdyshev, E; Bronova, I; Bin, LH; Bae, J; Kim, S; Kim, HY; Lee, UH; Kim, MS; Kim, H; Lee, JY; Hall, CF; Hui-Beckman, J; Chang, YH; Bronoff, AS; Hwang, D; Lee, HY; Goleva, E; Ahn, K; Leung, DYM
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2023 10.4168/aair.2023.15.1.43 Quality of Life in Food Allergy: Validation of the Korean Version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire Parent Form (K-FAQLQ- PF) and Risk Factor Analysis Kim, S; Kim, M; Kim, J; Park, B; Min, N; Jung, M; Yu, S; Lee, JY; Yoo, HW; Kim, HY; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.6.742 Maternal Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Psychological Burden in Mothers of Korean Children With Anaphylaxis Jeong, K; Kim, J; Chang, HY; Song, TW; Kim, JH; Shin, M; Min, TK; Choi, SH; Lee, YJ; Kim, KW; Kim, WK; Jeon, YH; Yum, HY; Ahn, K; Lee, SY; Ahn, YM; Jang, GC
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.6.674 Phenotype of Atopic Dermatitis With Food Allergy Predicts Development of Childhood Asthma via Gut Wnt Signaling Lee, SY; Kim, S; Kang, MJ; Song, KB; Choi, EJ; Jung, S; Yoon, JS; Suh, DI; Shin, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.5.494 Multicenter Surveillance of Cystic Fibrosis in Korean Children Kim, HY; Hong, SJ; Ahn, K; Suh, DI; Noh, SH; Kim, SY; Yu, J; Ko, JM; Lee, MG; Kim, KW
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.5.549 Bifidobacterium longum and Galactooligosaccharide Improve Skin Barrier Dysfunction and Atopic Dermatitis-like Skin Kim, S; Han, SY; Lee, JY; Kim, NR; Lee, BR; Kim, H; Kwon, M; Ahn, K; Noh, Y; Kim, SJ; Lee, PYM; Kim, D; Kim, BE; Kim, J
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  • CURR OPIN ALLERGY CL 2022 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000820 Atopic dermatitis endotypes: knowledge for personalized medicine Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.3.285 The Detrimental Effects of Phthalates on Allergic Diseases Ahn, K
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  • PEDIAT ALLERG IMM-UK 2022 10.1111/pai.13786 Food allergy in early childhood increases the risk of oral allergy syndrome in schoolchildren: A birth cohort study Song, KB; Park, MJ; Choi, EJ; Jung, S; Yoon, J; Cho, HJ; Kim, BS; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ; Lee, SY
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  • IMMUNE NETW 2022 10.4110/in.2022.22.e17 Dietary Diversity during Early Infancy Increases Microbial Diversity and Prevents Egg Allergy in High-Risk Infants Lee, BR; Jung, HI; Kim, SK; Kwon, M; Kim, H; Jung, MY; Kyung, Y; Kim, BE; Choi, SJ; Oh, SY; Baek, SY; Kim, S; Bae, J; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • J KOREAN MED SCI 2022 10.3346/jkms.2022.37.e30 Clinical Characteristics of Atopic Dermatitis in Korean School-Aged Children and Adolescents According to Onset Age and Severity Jeon, YH; Ahn, K; Kim, J; Shin, M; Hong, SJ; Lee, SY; Pyun, BY; Min, TK; Jung, M; Lee, J; Song, TW; Kim, HY; Lee, S; Jeong, K; Hwang, Y; Kim, M; Lee, YJ; Kim, MJ; Lee, JY; Yum, HY; Jang, GC; Park, YA; Kim, JH
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2022 10.4168/aair.2022.14.1.123 Time Trends in the Prevalence of Atopic Dermatitis in Korean Children According to Age Lee, JY; Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • SCI REP-UK 2021 10.1038/s41598-021-02845-4 Association between ambient air pollution and perceived stress in pregnant women Lamichhane, DK; Jung, DY; Shin, YJ; Lee, KS; Lee, SY; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ; Kim, HC
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  • INT J ENV RES PUB HE 2021 10.3390/ijerph182111509 Effects of Exposure to Indoor Fine Particulate Matter on Atopic Dermatitis in Children Kim, YM; Kim, J; Ha, SC; Ahn, K
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  • CLIN TRANSL ALLERGY 2021 10.1002/clt2.12070 Prenatal PM2.5 affects atopic dermatitis depending on maternal anxiety and gender: COCOA study Kim, S; Yang, SI; Lim, H; Lee, SY; Park, MJ; Song, KB; Choi, EJ; Oh, HY; Kim, HC; Shin, YJ; Lee, KS; Choi, KY; Suh, DI; Shin, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2021 10.4168/aair.2021.13.5.791 Home-Based Up-Dosing in Build-Up Phase of Oral Immunotherapy of Egg Allergy Is Safe and Feasible in Real-World Practice Jeong, HI; Lee, B; Kim, S; Kyung, Y; Jung, M; Kim, M; Lee, JY; Kim, K; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUN 2021 10.4168/aair.2021.13.5.677 Intervention of Particulate Matter: What Can We Do for Asthmatic Patients? Ahn, K
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  • INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL 2021 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113823 Association of ambient air pollution with depressive and anxiety symptoms in pregnant women: A prospective cohort study Lamichhane, DK; Jung, DY; Shin, YJ; Lee, KS; Lee, SY; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ; Kim, HC
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  • INT ARCH ALLERGY IMM 2021 10.1159/000516811 Natural Course and Prognostic Factors of Immediate-Type Peanut Allergy in Children Jung, M; Jeong, HI; Kyung, Y; Kim, SK; Lee, JS; Choi, M; Shim, JY; Kim, L; Won, H; Kim, K; Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • PEDIATR PULM 2021 10.1002/ppul.25622 Pulmonary function of healthy Korean children from three independent birth cohorts: Validation of the Global Lung Function Initiative 2012 equation Park, JS; Suh, DI; Choi, YJ; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Lee, SY; Cho, HJ; Lee, E; Jang, GC; Kwon, JW; Sun, YH; Woo, SI; Youn, YS; Park, KS; Kook, MH; Cho, HJ; Chung, HL; Kim, JH; Kim, HY; Jung, JA; Woo, HO; Choi, YK; Lee, JR; Lee, YA; Shin, CH; Kim, BN; Kim, JI; Lee, KS; Lim, YH; Hong, YC; Hong, SJ
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  • FRONT IMMUNOL 2021 10.3389/fimmu.2021.698721 Needs for Increased Awareness of Gastrointestinal Manifestations in Patients With Human Inborn Errors of Immunity Kim, ES; Kim, D; Yoon, Y; Kwon, Y; Park, S; Kim, J; Ahn, KM; Ahn, S; Choe, YH; Kim, YJ; Kim, MJ
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  • ACTA DERM-VENEREOL 2021 10.2340/00015555-3848 Dupilumab Provides Significant Clinical Benefit in a Phase 3 Trial in Adolescents with Uncontrolled Atopic Dermatitis Irrespective of Prior Systemic Immunosuppressant Use Deleuran, M; Marcoux, D; De Bruin-Weller, MS; Irvine, AD; Baselga, E; Ahn, K; Castro, AP; Bansal, A; Chao, JD; Bego-Le Bagousse, G; Rossi, AB
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  • ENVIRON RES 2021 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111640 Mid-pregnancy PM2.5 exposure affects sex-specific growth trajectories via ARRDC3 methylation Cho, HJ; Lee, SH; Lee, SY; Kim, HC; Kim, HB; Park, MJ; Yoon, J; Jung, S; Yang, SI; Lee, E; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Suh, DI; Sheen, YH; Won, HS; Lee, MY; Kim, SH; Lee, KJ; Choi, SJ; Kwon, JY; Jun, JK; Choi, KY; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA PROC 2021 10.2500/aap.2021.42.210036 Effect of prenatal phthalate exposure on childhood atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Jung, M; Kim, MJ; Kim, S; Kyung, Y; Kim, M; Lee, JY; Jeong, HI; Lee, BR; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Park, YM
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  • INT ARCH ALLERGY IMM 2021 10.1159/000516057 Dog Ownership in Early Life Increased the Risk of Nonatopic Asthma in Children Park1, MJ; Lee, SY; Song, KB; Lee, SH; Choi, KY; Lee, KW; Jung, S; Suh, DI; Sheen, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2021 10.4168/aair.2021.13.3.468 Harmful Effect of Indoor Formaldehyde on Atopic Dermatitis in Children: A Longitudinal Study Kim1, YM; Kim, J; Ha, SC; Ahn, K
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  • PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU 2021 10.1111/pai.13531 Effect of early-life antibiotic exposure and IL-13 polymorphism on atopic dermatitis phenotype Park1, MJ; Lee, SY; Lee, SH; Kang, MJ; Song, KB; Jung, S; Yoon, JS; Suh, DI; Shin, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2021 10.4168/aair.2021.13.3.404 Interactions Between IL-17 Variants and Streptococcus in the Gut Contribute to the Development of Atopic Dermatitis in Infancy Kang1, MJ; Lee, SY; Park, YM; Kim, BS; Lee, MJ; Kim, JH; Jeong, S; Lee, SH; Park, MJ; Rhee, ES; Jung, S; Yoon, J; Cho, HJ; Lee, E; Yang, SI; Suh, DI; Kim, KW; Sheen, YH; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • CLIN TRANSL ALLERGY 2021 10.1002/clt2.12019 Impact of environmental factors in predicting daily severity scores of atopic dermatitis Hurault1, G; Delorieux, V; Kim, YM; Ahn, K; Williams, HC; Tanaka, RJ
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  • JCI INSIGHT 2021 10.1172/jci.insight.145185 Particulate matter causes skin barrier dysfunction Kim1, BE; Kim, J; Goleva, E; Berdyshev, E; Lee, J; Vang, KA; Ha Lee, U; Han, S; Leung, S; Hall, CF; Kim, NR; Bronova, I; Lee, EJ; Yang, HR; Leung, DYM; Ahn, K
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  • ANN ALLERG ASTHMA IM 2020 10.1016/j.anai.2020.09.008 Prenatal PM2.5 exposure and vitamin D-associated early persistent atopic dermatitis via placental methylation Yang1, SI; Lee, SH; Lee, SY; Kim, HC; Kim, HB; Kim, JH; Lim, H; Park, MJ; Cho, HJ; Yoon, J; Jung, S; Yang, HJ; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Won, HS; Lee, MY; Kim, SH; Choi, SJ; Kwon, JY; Jun, JK; Hong, SJ
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  • ASIAN PAC J ALLERGY 2020 10.12932/AP-070918-0403 Beneficial effect of nasal saline irrigation in children with allergic rhinitis and asthma A randomized clinical trial Jung1, M; Lee, JY; Ryu, G; Lee, KE; Hong, SD; Choi, J; Kim, S; Ahn, K; Dhong, HJ; Chung, SK; Kim, J; Kim, HY
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  • PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU 2020 10.1111/pai.13393 Gut linoleic acid is associated with the severity of atopic dermatitis and sensitization to egg white/milk in infants Lee1, SY; Park, YM; Yoo, HJ; Suh, DI; Shin, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • CURR OPIN IMMUNOL 2020 10.1016/j.coi.2020.02.007 Recent advances in atopic dermatitis Ahn1, K; Kim, BE; Kim, J; Leung, DY
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  • ATMOSPHERE 2020 10.3390/atmos11090921 Harmful Effects of Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide on Atopic Dermatitis Comparison of Exposure Assessment Based on Monitored Concentrations and Modeled Estimates Kim1, YM; Oh, I; Kim, J; Kang, YH; Ahn, K
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  • ENVIRON INT 2020 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105875 Quantile regression analysis of the socioeconomic inequalities in air pollution and birth weight Lamichhane1, DK; Lee, SY; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ; Kim, HC
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  • ANN ALLERG ASTHMA IM 2020 10.1016/j.anai.2020.04.023 Association of IL13 genetic polymorphisms with atopic dermatitis Fine mapping and haplotype analysis Lee1, E; Kim, JH; Lee, SY; Kang, MJ; Park, YM; Park, MJ; Rhee, ES; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Shin, YH; Suh, DI; Hong, SJ
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  • WORLD ALLERGY ORGAN 2020 10.1016/j.waojou.2020.100449 A multicenter anaphylaxis registry in Korea Clinical characteristics and acute treatment details from infants to older adults Jeong1, K; Ye, YM; Kim, SH; Kim, KW; Kim, JH; Kwon, JW; Yang, SI; Lee, SY; Chung, EH; Kim, MA; Kim, YH; Kim, HY; Jang, GC; Kim, JH; Lee, E; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Chang, YS; Hur, GY; Lee, J; Min, TK; Pyun, BY; Park, KH; Lee, J; Song, TW; Jee, HM; Shin, YS; Yoon, D; Lee, JK; Lee, S
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  • ALLERGOL INT 2020 10.1016/j.alit.2019.11.004 Exposure to cold airflow alters skin pH and epidermal filaggrin degradation products in children with atopic dermatitis Jung1, M; Kim, I; Lee, JY; Kim, HM; Kwon, M; Kim, M; Lim, KM; Kim, PS; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2020 10.4168/aair.2020.12.2.322 Imbalance of Gut Streptococcus, Clostridium, and Akkermansia Determines the Natural Course of Atopic Dermatitis in Infant Park1, YM; Lee, SY; Kang, MJ; Kim, BS; Lee, MJ; Jung, SS; Yoon, JS; Cho, HJ; Lee, E; Yang, SI; Seo, JH; Kim, HB; Suh, DI; Shin, YH; Kim, KW; Ahn, K; Hong, SJ
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2020 10.4168/aair.2020.12.2.292 Flow Cytometry for the Diagnosis of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases: A Single Center Experience Kwon1, WK; Choi, S; Kim, HJ; Huh, HJ; Kang, JM; Kim, YJ; Yoo, KH; Ahn, K; Cho, HK; Peck, KR; Jang, JH; Ki, CS; Kang, ES
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2019 10.4168/aair.2019.11.5.593 Interactions Between Atopic Dermatitis and Staphylococcus aureus Infection: Clinical Implications Kim1, J; Kim, BE; Ahn, K; Leung, DYM
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  • J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN 2019 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.10.010 Prenatal 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency affects development of atopic dermatitis via DNA methylation Cho1, HJ; Sheen, YH; Kang, MJ; Lee, SH; Lee, SY; Yoon, J; Jung, S; Lee, SH; Kim, YH; Yang, SI; Lee, E; Seo, JH; Ahn, K; Kim, KW; Suh, DI; Won, HS; Lee, MY; Kim, SH; Choi, SJ; Kwon, JY; Jun, JK; Kwon, SO; Oh, SY; Hong, SJ
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  • PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU 2019 10.1111/pai.13005 Spectrum of susceptibility to air quality and weather in individual children with atopic dermatitis Noh1, SR; Kim, JS; Kim, EH; Jeon, BH; Kim, JH; Kim, YM; Kim, J; Han, Y; Ahn, K; Cheong, HK
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  • ASIAN PAC J ALLERGY 2019 10.12932/AP-151117-0197 Natural course and prognostic factors of chronic urticaria in Korean children: A single center experience Park1, H; Lee, JY; Song, A; Jung, M; Kim, M; Sohn, I; Cho, J; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • ALLERGOL INT 2018 10.1016/j.alit.2017.08.007 Exposure amount and timing of solar irradiation during pregnancy and the risk of sensitization in children Koh1, HY; Cho, E; Lee, SY; Kim, WK; Park, YM; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Lee, SW; Kim, MA; Hahm, MI; Chae, Y; Lee, KJ; Kwon, HJ; Han, MY
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  • PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU 2018 10.1111/pai.12850 Hepatitis B immunogenicity after a primary vaccination course associated with childhood asthma, allergic rhinitis, and allergen sensitization Yon1, DK; Ha, EK; Lee, SY; Kim, WK; Park, YM; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Hahm, MI; Chae, Y; Lee, KJ; Kwon, HJ; Han, MY
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  • ENVIRON RES 2018 10.1016/j.envres.2017.10.030 Association between particulate matter concentration and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children living in an industrial urban area of South Korea Oh1, I; Lee, J; Ahn, K; Kim, J; Kim, YM; Sim, CS; Kim, Y
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  • Benef Microbes 2017 10.3920/BM2017.0034 Identification of atopic dermatitis phenotypes with good responses to probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum CJLP133) in children Kim1, J; Lee, BS; Kim, B; Na, I; Lee, J; Lee, JY; Park, MR; Kim, H; Sohn, I; Ahn, K
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2017 10.4168/aair.2017.9.5.410 Prevalence of Immediate-Type Food Allergy in Korean Schoolchildren in 2015: A Nationwide, Population-based Study Kim1, M; Lee, JY; Jeon, HY; Yang, HK; Lee, KJ; Han, Y; Kim, YH; Kim, J; Ahn, K
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  • PEDIATR ALLERGY IMMU 2017 10.1111/pai.12746 Impact of solar ultraviolet radiation on atopic dermatitis symptoms in young children: A longitudinal study Kim1, YM; Kim, J; Lee, JY; Kim, M; Kim, H; Jung, K; Eo, S; Ahn, M; Ahn, K
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA IMMUNOL RES 2017 10.4168/aair.2017.9.5.423 Age-Based Causes and Clinical Characteristics of Immediate-Type Food Allergy in Korean Children Jeong1, K; Kim, J; Ahn, K; Lee, SY; Min, TK; Pyun, BY; Kim, YH; Kim, KW; Sohn, MH; Kim, KE; Jang, GC; Song, TW; Kim, JH; Jeon, YH; Lee, YJ; Park, YM; Yum, HY; Kim, HH; Kim, WK; Lee, S
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  • ALLERGY ASTHMA PROC 2017 10.2500/aap.2017.38.4055 Seasonal variation and monthly patterns of skin symptoms in Korean children with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome Kim1, M; Kim, YM; Lee, JY; Yang, HK; Kim, H; Cho, J; Ahn, K; Kim, J
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  • Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2016 Nov;8(6):535-40. doi: 10.4168/aair.2016.8.6.535. A Multicenter Retrospective Case Study of Anaphylaxis Triggers by Age in Korean Children Lee SY11, Ahn K2, Kim J2, Jang GC3, Min TK4, Yang HJ4, Pyun BY4, Kwon JW5, Sohn MH6, Kim KW6, Kim KE6, Yu J7, Hong SJ7, Kwon JH8, Kim SW9, Song TW10, Kim WK10, Kim HY11, Jeon YH1, Lee YJ1, Lee HR1, Kim HY11, Ahn Y12, Yum HY13, Suh DI5, Kim HH14, Kim JT14, Kim JH15, Park YM16, Lee S17;
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  • Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2015 Nov;7(6):573-82. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.6.573. Epub 2015 Jun 25. Prenatal Particulate-Matter/Tobacco Smoke Increases Infants' Respiratory Infections: COCOA Study Yang SI11, Kim BJ2, Lee SY1, Kim HB3, Lee CM4, Yu J5, Kang MJ6, Yu HS6, Lee E5, Jung YH7, Kim HY8, Seo JH9, Kwon JW10, Song DJ11, Jang G12, Kim WK13, Shim JY14, Lee SY15, Yang HJ16, Suh DI17, Hong SA6, Choi KY6, Shin YH18, Ahn K19, Kim KW20, Kim EJ21, Hong SJ22; COCOA Study Group.
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  • Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2015 Jul;7(4):332-8. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.4.332. Epub 2015 Mar 6. Diagnostic Decision Points of Specific IgE Concentrations in Korean Children With Egg and Cow's Milk Allergies Kim J11, Kim HY2, Park MR1, Choi J1, Shim JY3, Kim MJ4, Han Y3, Ahn K5.
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  • Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2015 Jan;7(1):37-43. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.1.37. Epub 2014 Sep 26. Significance of 40-, 45-, and 48-kDa Proteins in the Moderate-to-Severe Clinical Symptoms of Buckwheat Allergy Cho J11, Lee JO2, Choi J3, Park MR3, Shon DH4, Kim J3, Ahn K3, Han Y2.
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