MOL BIOL REP 2024 10.1007/s11033-024-09868-w
Exogenous S1P via S1P receptor 2 induces CTGF expression through Src-RhoA-ROCK-YAP pathway in hepatic stellate cells
Park, S; Kim, J; Yang, S; Kang, SH; Kang, W; Paik, YH
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ALIMENT PHARM THER 2024 10.1111/apt.18402
Serum Ferritin Levels and Liver-Related Events in Individuals With Steatotic Liver Disease: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Song, BG; Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Sinn, DH
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SCI REP-UK 2024 10.1038/s41598-024-72721-4
NADPH oxidase 4 deficiency promotes hepatocellular carcinoma arising from hepatic fibrosis by inducing M2-macrophages in the tumor microenvironment
Kim, JY; Kang, W; Yang, S; Park, SH; Ha, SY; Paik, YH
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FUTURE ONCOL 2024 10.1080/14796694.2024.2397328
Real-world safety and effectiveness of lenvatinib in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea: post-marketing study
Kang, W; Kim, YJ; Kim, SU; Seo, YS; Kim, JW; Kim, JH; Park, SY; Baek, YH; Kim, KM; Lee, HL; Yoon, KT; Kim, H; Cheong, JY; Hwang, JS; Kim, JH; Kim, KM; Sung, PS; Kim, J; Kim, DY
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CANCERS 2024 10.3390/cancers16152652
Glycemic Burden and Clinical Outcomes of Early Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Curative Treatment
Lee, HJ; Choi, MS; Song, BG; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Goh, MJ; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Sinn, DH
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GUT LIVER 2024 10.5009/gnl240085
Analysis of Factors Predicting the Real-World Efficacy of Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Song, BG; Goh, MJ; Kang, WS; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Paik, YH
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ULTRASONOGRAPHY 2024 10.14366/usg.24040
Diagnostic performance of quantitative ultrasonography for hepatic steatosis in a health screening program: a prospective single-center study
Pyo, JH; Cho, SJ; Choi, SC; Jee, JH; Yun, J; Hwang, JA; Park, G; Kim, K; Kang, W; Kang, M; Byun, YH
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SCI REP-UK 2024 10.1038/s41598-024-66253-0
Hepatocellular carcinoma outcomes and potential implications for surveillance in elderly patients
Kim, A; Park, G; Goh, MJ; Song, BG; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Sinn, DH
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KOREAN J INTERN MED 2024 10.3904/kjim.2023.354
Prevalence and predictors of multidrug-resistant bacteremia in liver cirrhosis
Kim, A; Song, BG; Kang, WS; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Goh, MJ
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LIVER CANCER 2024 10.1159/000538301
Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Steatotic Liver Disease and Its Newly Proposed Subclassification
Song, BG; Kim, A; Goh, MJ; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Sinn, DH
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MOL THER-ONCOLYTICS 2023 10.1016/j.omto.2023.08.013
Transgenic viral expression of PH-20, IL-12, and sPD1-Fc enhances immune cell infiltration and anti-tumor efficacy of an oncolytic virus
Hong, SO; Kim, J; Lee, SM; Shin, J; Choi, H; Lee, EJ; Kang, HYS; Lee, HYS; Lee, SD; Yun, N; An, JW; Choi, H; Kim, H; Kang, WS; Yoon, Y; Kim, S
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JHEP REP 2023 10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100810
Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
Song, BG; Choi, SC; Goh, MJ; Kang, WS; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Paik, SW
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LIVER INT 2023 10.1111/liv.15632
Validation of non-invasive diagnosis of CSPH in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease according to Baveno VII
Song, BG; Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Paik, SW; Sinn, DH
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SCI REP-UK 2023 10.1038/s41598-023-36668-2
Improved on-treatment fibrosis-4 during antiviral therapy and lower hepatocellular carcinoma risk in cirrhotic patients with hepatitis B
Oh, JH; Park, Y; Goh, MJ; Sinn, DH; Ahn, SB; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Paik, SW
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OBESITY 2023 10.1002/oby.23722
Causal effect of adiposity on the risk of 19 gastrointestinal diseases: a Mendelian randomization study
Kim, MS; Song, M; Kim, S; Kim, B; Kang, W; Kim, JY; Myung, W; Lee, I; Do, R; Khera, AV; Won, HH
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GUT LIVER 2023 10.5009/gnl220420
Clinical Outcomes and Validation of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Response Scores in Patients with Korean Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Chang, JI; Kim, JH; Sinn, DH; Cho, JY; Kim, KM; Oh, JH; Park, Y; Sohn, W; Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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GUT LIVER 2023 10.5009/gnl220337
Pretransplant Functional Status Predicts Postoperative Morbidity and Mortality after Liver Transplantation in Patients with Cirrhosis
Goh, MJ; Kim, J; Chang, WH; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Kim, JM; Kang, WS
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EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT 2023 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002466
Sorafenib versus nivolumab after lenvatinib treatment failure in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Kim, Y; Lee, JS; Lee, HW; Kim, BK; Park, JY; Kim, D; Ahn, SH; Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Kim, SU
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LIVER CANCER 2023 10.1159/000529635
Impact of Intrahepatic External Beam Radiotherapy in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
Goh, MJ; Park, HC; Yu, JI; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Sinn, DH; Choi, MS
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LIVER CANCER 2022 10.1159/000525145
Real Life Study of Lenvatinib Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: RELEVANT Study
Casadei-Gardini, A; Rimini, M; Kudo, M; Shimose, S; Tada, T; Suda, G; Goh, MJ; Jefremow, A; Scartozzi, M; Cabibbo, G; Campani, C; Tamburini, E; Tovoli, F; Ueshima, K; Aoki, T; Iwamoto, H; Torimura, T; Kumada, T; Hiraoka, A; Atsukawa, M; Itobayashi, E; Toyoda, H; Sakamoto, N; Sho, T; Kang, W; Siebler, J; Neurath, MF; Burgio, V; Cascinu, S
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HEPATOL RES 2022 10.1111/hepr.13824
Validation of the easy-to-use lenvatinib prognostic index to predict prognosis in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with lenvatinib
Rimini, M; Kang, W; Burgio, V; Persano, M; Aoki, T; Shimose, S; Tada, T; Kumada, T; Sho, T; Lai, E; Celsa, C; Campani, C; Tonnini, M; Tamburini, E; Hiraoka, A; Takaguchi, K; Nishida, N; Iwamoto, H; Itobayashi, E; Tsuji, K; Sakamoto, N; Ishikawa, T; Toyoda, H; Kudo, M; Kawaguchi, T; Hatanaka, T; Nouso, K; Suda, G; Cabibbo, G; Marra, F; Della Corte, A; Ratti, F; Pedica, F; De Cobelli, F; Aldrighetti, L; Scartozzi, M; Cascinu, S; Casadei-Gardini, A
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SCAND J GASTROENTERO 2022 10.1080/00365521.2022.2093124
Imaging features of hepatobiliary MRI and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma development
Chang, JI; Sinn, DH; Jeong, WK; Hwang, JA; Won, HY; Kim, K; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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SCI REP-UK 2022 10.1038/s41598-022-14856-w
Increased risk of pancreatic cancer in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Park, JH; Hong, JY; Han, K; Kang, W; Park, JK
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SCI REP-UK 2022 10.1038/s41598-022-11736-1
Prognostic significance of cachexia index in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated with systemic chemotherapy
Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Jeong, WK; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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KOREAN J INTERN MED 2022 10.3904/kjim.2021.452
Changes in the prevalence of hepatitis B and metabolic abnormalities among young men in Korea
Song, BG; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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FRONT ONCOL 2022 10.3389/fonc.2022.888755
Safety and Efficacy of Liver-Directed Radiotherapy in Combination With Lenvatinib for Hepatocelluar Carcinoma With Macroscopic Tumor Thrombosis
Yu, JI; Kang, W; Yoo, GS; Goh, MJ; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Hong, JY; Lim, HY; Park, B; Park, HC
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CLIN MOL HEPATOL 2022 10.3350/cmh.2022.0084
KASL clinical practice guidelines for management of chronic hepatitis B
Jang, JW; Park, JY; Kwon, JH; Yu, SJ; Kang, W; Chon, YE; Kim, TH; Choi, J; An, JY
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EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT 2022 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001915
Age and fibrosis index for the prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma risk in patients with high hepatitis B virus DNA but normal alanine aminotransferase
Seong, G; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Paik, YH
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GENOME MED 2022 10.1186/s13073-021-00995-8
Hepatocellular carcinoma patients with high circulating cytotoxic T cells and intra-tumoral immune signature benefit from pembrolizumab: results from a single-arm phase 2 trial
Hong, JY; Cho, HJ; Sa, JK; Liu, XQ; Ha, SY; Lee, T; Kim, H; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Park, HC; Kang, TW; Rhim, H; Lee, SJ; Cristescu, R; Lee, J; Paik, YH; Lim, HY
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DIGEST DIS SCI 2021 10.1007/s10620-021-07312-8
Clinical Outcomes of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Undetectable Serum HBV DNA Levels
Chang, JI; Sinn, DH; Cho, H; Kim, S; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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ESMO OPEN 2021 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100330
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in hepatocarcinoma: new insights about its prognostic role in patients treated with lenvatinib
Rimini, M; Kudo, M; Tada, T; Shigeo, S; Kang, W; Suda, G; Jefremow, A; Burgio, V; Iavarone, M; Tortora, R; Marra, F; Lonardi, S; Tamburini, E; Piscaglia, F; Masi, G; Cabibbo, G; Foschi, FG; Silletta, M; Kumada, T; Iwamoto, H; Aoki, T; Goh, MJ; Sakamoto, N; Siebler, J; Hiraoka, A; Niizeki, T; Ueshima, K; Sho, T; Atsukawa, M; Hirooka, M; Tsuji, K; Ishikawa, T; Takaguchi, K; Kariyama, K; Itobayashi, E; Tajiri, K; Shimada, N; Shibata, H; Ochi, H; Yasuda, S; Toyoda, H; Fukunishi, S; Ohama, H; Kawata, K; Tani, J; Nakamura, S; Nouso, K; Tsutsui, A; Nagano, T; Takaaki, T; Itokawa, N; Okubo, T; Arai, T; Imai, M; Joko, K; Koizumi, Y; Hiasa, Y; Cucchetti, A; Ratti, F; Aldrighetti, L; Cascinu, S; Casadei-Gardini, A
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J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2021 10.1111/jgh.15727
Expert consensus on the management of adverse events in patients receiving lenvatinib for hepatocellular carcinoma
Kim, BH; Yu, SJ; Kang, W; Cho, SB; Park, SY; Kim, SU; Kim, D
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SCAND J GASTROENTERO 2021 10.1080/00365521.2021.1988700
Incidence and risk factors for development of hepatocellular carcinoma at young age in patients with chronic hepatitis B
Goh, MJ; Kang, W; Kim, KM; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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J NEUROGASTROENTEROL 2021 10.5056/jnm20221
Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Increases Pyogenic Liver Abscess Risk: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Oh, JH; Kang, D; Kang, W; Guallar, E; Cho, J; Min, YW
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J VIRAL HEPATITIS 2021 10.1111/jvh.13572
Efficacy of entecavir versus tenofovir in preventing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B with maintained virologic response
Na, JE; Sinn, DH; Lee, JH; Jang, HJ; Baek, SY; Kim, KA; Kang, WS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Kim, YJ; Choi, MS; Yoon, JH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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DIGEST LIVER DIS 2021 10.1016/j.dld.2021.03.030
Predictors and outcome of emergent Liver transplantation for patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
Kim, JE; Sinn, DH; Choi, GS; Kim, JM; Joh, JW; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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HEPATOL INT 2021 10.1007/s12072-021-10205-7
Controlled attenuation parameter value and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients under antiviral therapy
Oh, JH; Lee, HW; Sinn, DH; Park, JY; Kim, BK; Kim, SU; Kim, DY; Ahn, SH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Paik, YH
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HEPATOLOGY 2021 10.1002/hep.32034
The Association Between Breastfeeding and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Parous Women: A Nation-wide Cohort Study
Park, Y; Sinn, DH; Oh, JH; Goh, MJ; Kim, K; Kang, W; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Gwak, GY
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J CLIN APHERESIS 2021 10.1002/jca.21873
Initial experience with high-volume plasma exchange in patients with acute liver failure
Kim1, JE; Chun, S; Sinn, DH; Kim, NJ; Kim, S; Kang, W; Kim, JM; Choi, GS; Joh, JW; Cho, D
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EUR J CANCER 2021 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.03.024
Association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the risk of biliary tract cancers: A South Korean nationwide cohort study
Park1, JH; Hong, JY; Kwon, M; Lee, J; Han, K; Han, IW; Kang, W; Park, JK
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J HEPATOCELL CARCINO 2021 10.2147/JHC.S304439
Clinical Characteristics of Long-Term Survivors After Sorafenib Treatment for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Korean National Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study
Cho1, YY; Yu, SJ; Lee, HW; Kim, DY; Kang, W; Paik, YH; Sung, PS; Bae, SH; Park, SC; Doh, YS; Kim, KM; Jang, ES; Kim, IH; Kim, W; Kim, YJ
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NUTRIENTS 2021 10.3390/nu13031013
Characterization of Gut Microbiome in Korean Patients with Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Oh1, JH; Lee, JH; Cho, MS; Kim, H; Chun, J; Lee, JH; Yoon, Y; Kang, W
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DIGEST LIVER DIS 2021 10.1016/j.dld.2020.10.030
A comparison of factors associated with the temporal improvement in the overall survival of BCLC stage 0 hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Song1, BG; Kim, MJ; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2021 10.1111/jgh.15357
Metabolic activity assessment by F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing Yttrium-90 transarterial radioembolization
Kim1, D; Lee, HW; Kang, W; Kim, GM; Won, JY; Yun, M
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LIVER CANCER 2021 10.1159/000512239
Efficacy and Safety of Lenvatinib Therapy for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Real-World Practice in Korea
Goh1, MJ; Oh, JH; Park, Y; Kim, J; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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CLIN MOL HEPATOL 2021 10.3350/cmh.2020.0095
Radiation-induced abscopal effect and its enhancement by programmed cell death 1 blockade in the hepatocellular carcinoma: A murine model study
Yoo1, GS; Ahn, WG; Kim, SY; Kang, W; Choi, C; Park, HC
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Risk and Risk Score Performance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Patients With Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroclearance
Park1, Y; Lee, JH; Sinn, DH; Park, JY; Kim, MA; Kim, YJ; Yoon, JH; Kim, DY; Ahn, SH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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YONSEI MED J 2021 10.3349/ymj.2021.62.1.12
Prognostic Value of Alpha-Fetoprotein in Patients Who Achieve a Complete Response to Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Lee1, JS; Chon, YE; Kim, BK; Park, JY; Kim, DY; Ahn, SH; Han, KH; Kang, W; Choi, MS; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Kim, HY; Kim, TH; Yoo, K; Ha, Y; Kim, MN; Lee, JH; Hwang, SG; Kim, SS; Cho, HJ; Cheong, JY; Cho, SW; Park, SH; Heo, NY; Hong, YM; Yoon, KT; Cho, M; Park, JG; Kang, MK; Park, SY; Kweon, YO; Tak, WY; Jang, SY; Sinn, DH; Kim, SU
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SCAND J GASTROENTERO 2020 10.1080/00365521.2020.1866063
Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma patients diagnosed under regular surveillance potential implications for surveillance goal
Song1, JH; Goh, MJ; Park, Y; Oh, JH; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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CLIN MOL HEPATOL 2020 10.3350/cmh.2020.0016
Substantial risk of recurrence even after 5 recurrence-free years in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Kim1, J; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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ANN SURG TREAT RES 2020 10.4174/astr.2020.99.4.238
Comparison of outcome between liver resection, radiofrequency ablation, and transarterial therapy for multiple small hepatocellular carcinoma within the Milan criteria
Oh1, JH; Sinn, DH; Choi, GS; Kim, JM; Joh, JW; Kang, TW; Hyun, D; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Choi, MS
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DIGEST DIS SCI 2020 10.1007/s10620-020-06591-x
Different Performance of Liver Stiffness Measurement According to Etiology and Outcome for the Prediction of Liver-Related Events
Oh1, JH; Goh, MJ; Park, Y; Kim, J; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Paik, YH
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DIGEST DIS SCI 2020 10.1007/s10620-020-06533-7
Direct-Acting Antivirals Improve Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Transarterial Chemoembolization A Nationwide, Multi-center, Retrospective Cohort Study
Hyun1, HK; Cho, EJ; Park, SY; Hong, YM; Kim, SS; Kim, HY; Heo, NY; Park, JG; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Jeong, SW; Song, MJ; Park, H; Lee, D; Lee, YS; Cho, SB; An, CS; Rhee, HJ; Lee, HW; Kim, BK; Park, JY; Kim, D; Ahn, SH; Han, KH; Lee, JH; Yu, SJ; Kim, YJ; Yoon, JH; Tak, WY; Kweon, YO; Yoon, KT; Cho, M; Cheong, JY; Park, SH; Kim, SU
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J VIRAL HEPATITIS 2020 10.1111/jvh.13279
Hepatitis B reactivation after kidney transplantation in hepatitis B surface antigen-negative, core antibody-positive recipients
Kim1, J; Chung, SJ; Sinn, DH; Lee, KW; Park, JB; Huh, W; Lee, JE; Jang, HR; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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ALIMENT PHARM THER 2020 10.1111/apt.15741
Extremely low risk of hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis B in immune-tolerant phase
Lee1, HA; Lee, HW; Kim, IH; Park, SY; Sinn, DH; Yu, JH; Seo, YS; Um, SH; Lee, JI; Lee, KS; Lee, CH; Tak, WY; Kweon, YO; Kang, W; Paik, YH; Lee, JW; Suh, SJ; Jung, YK; Kim, BK; Park, JY; Kim, Y; Ahn, SH; Han, KH; Yim, HJ; Kim, SU
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TRANSPL P 2020 10.1016/j.transproceed.2020.01.037
Changes in Tumor Markers and Their Implications in Selecting Liver Transplantation for Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Song1, BG; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Kim, JM; Joh, JW; Choi, GS
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VIRUSES-BASEL 2020 10.3390/v12030302
The Beginning of Ending Hepatitis C Virus: A Summary of the 26th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses
Shin1, EC; Han, JW; Kang, W; Kato, T; Kim, SJ; Zhong, J; Kim, S; Park, SH; Sung, PS; Watashi, K; Park, JY; Windisch, MP; Oh, JW; Wakita, T; Han, KH; Jang, SK
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J GASTROINTEST SURG 2020 10.1007/s11605-020-04540-7
Incidence of and Risk Factors for Alcohol Relapse After Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease: Comparison Between Deceased Donor and Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Chung1, HG; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Choi, GS; Kim, JM; Joh, JW
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KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2020 10.3904/kjim.2018.040
Potential etiology, prevalence of cirrhosis, and mode of detection among patients with non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea
Kim1, J; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2020 10.3904/kjim.2018.196
Real world data on follicular lymphoma patients treated by rituximab-containing immunochemotherapy and rituximab maintenance
Kim1, HK; Kang, W; Sinn, DH; Lee, JH; Kim, WS; Kim, SJ
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J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2019 10.1111/jgh.14750
Hepatitis B virus DNA levels and overall survival in hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma patients with low-level viremia
Kim1, TS; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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PLoS One 2019 10.1371/journal.pone.0213547
Hepatocellular carcinoma with extrahepatic metastasis: Are there still candidates for transarterial chemoembolization as an initial treatment?
Kim1, J; Sinn, DH; Choi, MS; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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PLoS One 2019 10.1371/journal.pone.0210730
Multidisciplinary approach is associated with improved survival of hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Sinn1, DH; Choi, GS; Park, HC; Kim, JM; Kim, H; Song, KD; Kang, TW; Lee, MW; Rhim, H; Hyun, D; Cho, SK; Shin, SW; Jeong, WK; Kim, SH; Il Yu, J; Ha, SY; Lee, SJ; Lim, HY; Kim, K; Ahn, JH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Joh, JW; Lim, HK; Paik, SW
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STEM CELL RES THER 2019 10.1186/s13287-018-1127-3
The therapeutic potential of induced hepatocyte-like cells generated by direct reprogramming on hepatic fibrosis
Park1, S; Hwang, SI; Kim, J; Hwang, S; Kang, S; Yang, S; Kim, J; Kang, W; Kim, KH; Han, DW; Paik, YH
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EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT 2018 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001226
Additional role of liver stiffness measurement in stratifying residual hepatocellular carcinoma risk predicted by serum biomarkers in chronic hepatitis B patients under antiviral therapy
Song1, BG; Sinn, DH; Chi, S; Kim, K; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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SCAND J GASTROENTERO 2018 10.1080/00365521.2018.1458895
Treatment for occult hepatocellular carcinoma: does it offer survival advantages over symptom-driven treatment?
Kim1, KM; Kim, J; Sinn, DH; Kim, HS; Kim, K; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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DIGEST DIS SCI 2018 10.1007/s10620-018-4934-6
Novel Albumin-Bilirubin Grade-Based Risk Prediction Model for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Undergoing Chemoembolization
Kim1, JH; Sinn, DH; Lee, JH; Hyun, D; Cho, SK; Shin, SW; Chang, Y; Kim, YJ; Yoon, JH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW; Choi, MS
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CARDIOVASC INTER RAD 2017 10.1007/s00270-017-1751-9
Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation Using a New Electrode with an Electromagnetic Position Sensor for Hepatic Tumors Difficult to Place an Electrode: A Preliminary Clinical Study
Kang1, TW; Lee, MW; Song, KD; Rhim, H; Lim, HK; Kang, W; Kim, K
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DIGEST DIS SCI 2017 10.1007/s10620-017-4775-8
Liver Function Assessment Using Albumin-Bilirubin Grade for Patients with Very Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Radiofrequency Ablation
Oh1, IS; Sinn, DH; Kang, TW; Lee, MW; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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HEPATOLOGY 2017 10.1002/hep.28916
Low-Level Viremia and the Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients Receiving Entecavir Treatment
Kim1, JH; Sinn, DH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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GUT LIVER 2017 10.5009/gnl16403
A Novel Model for Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and Normal Alanine Aminotransferase Levels
Sinn1, DH; Lee, JH; Kim, K; Ahn, JH; Lee, JH; Kim, JH; Lee, DH; Yoon, JH; Kang, W; Gwak, GY; Paik, YH; Choi, MS; Lee, JH; Koh, KC; Paik, SW
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J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 May;32(5):1100-1106. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13647.
Insulin resistance and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients
Kim JH11, Sinn DH1, Gwak GY1, Kang W1, Paik YH1, Choi MS1, Lee JH1, Koh KC1, Paik SW1.
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Primary Prophylaxis for Variceal Bleeding and the Improved Survival of Patients with Newly Diagnosed Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Kim JH11, Sinn DH2, Kim K3, Kang W1, Gwak GY1, Paik YH1, Choi MS1, Lee JH1, Koh KC1, Paik SW1.
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Antiangiogenic Therapy Induces Hepatic Tumor Vascular Network Rearrangement to Receive Perfusion via the Portal Vein and Hepatic Artery
Kang W11, Lim JS, Park MS, Koh GY, Kim H.
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