3 Tips To Beat The Monday Blues

An enjoyable weekend ends and Monday comes. Although you had a good time with your family at the weekend, you felt a strange pressure on your chest and did not fall asleep easily, right? If you think about having to go to your cramped office after enjoying the freedom of a weekend, anyone would feel confined and irritated once in a while. That is why I'm introducing you to some smart tips to beat the Monday blues today.

What are the Symptoms of Monday Blues?

On Monday morning, you turn off the alarm clock that tells you it is time to go to work several times and remain in bed. Although you force yourself to have breakfast, you feel bloated and queasy. You are not even happy to see your colleagues at the office, as you are annoyed by a traffic jam on your way. You cannot concentrate on your tasks and feel more listless and tired than on other days. As such, the symptoms of feeling tired, both physically and mentally, are called Monday blues.

What Causes Monday Blues?

As more and more people travel long distances, or stay up late drinking, or enjoy watching movies on their days off, the regular rhythm of their life can easily be broken. When it does, they may experience side effects such that they cannot get down to work. On top of that, their boring daily routine during weekdays, excessive stress, and thoughts of having to go back to their dreadful tasks can make them feel that Monday is even more blue.

Perfect Tips to Overcome the Monday Blues!

To help you combat your Monday blues, I would like to suggest three dietary regimes.

First. never skip your breakfast!

If you do not eat breakfast, you cannot feel energized because you do not take in various nutrients, such as protein and carbohydrates, that give energy to your brain and body. Because you feel hungry, you will have a big lunch, which will make you more sleepy and tired in the afternoon. For this reason, you need to have a small breakfast that contains protein and carbohydrates.

Second. eat fresh vegetables or fruits

Vegetables and fruits help you feel energized and overcome fatigue by providing vitamins and minerals. In particular, I recommend you eat: tomatoes, which are rich in Vitamins C, B1 and B2; onions, which contain a lot of calcium and iron and cause tonic effects; and, carrots, which give stability and vitality to your body and mind because they have plenty of Vitamin A. On a busy morning, salad or fruit juice can be an excellent choice because you can have it quickly and easily.

Third. take in plenty of fluid!

Fluid intake clears the cobwebs from your brain and strengthens physiological functions by excreting waste matters from the body.
It is good to drink tea or water regularly. More importantly, having green tea helps you to relieve stress and strengthens immunity.

Stretching also helps to overcome the Monday blues.

I will introduce to you some stretching methods that you can do in your office easily and can help to energize your tired body and mind. Mainly, they are ways to relax your shoulder muscles, which often become stiff. You need to repeat each of the following motions two times and maintain each posture for ten to fifteen seconds. The photos on the left show you how to start, and those on the right suggest how to end. Let’s start stretching to beat the Monday blues completely!

Thinking Rodin (Neck)

Batman (Wrist)

Brill chicken (Shoulder)

Spreading wings (Scapula)

Pinwheel (Shoulder & Trunk)

Tripod (Latissimusdorsi)

How do you feel? Did you recover from your fatigue? Do you feel refreshed? You should know that beating the Monday blues and returning to your routine quickly are some of the secret formulae of successful professionals. I hope these counter-Monday blues tips, suggested by the Samsung Medical Center, will bring you wonderful Mondays.