


  • 脑肿瘤(如:脑膜瘤及神经鞘瘤)
  • 恶性脑肿瘤(神经胶质瘤)
  • 垂体肿瘤
  • 颅底肿瘤
  • 脑转移瘤



1. 获得最多的干预与手术(截至2013年,依据诊断数量)

  • 于2001年12月引进伽玛刀以及截至2013年已经实施了超过6000例治疗

2. 个性化医疗的开拓者,汇集临床实践与研究结果。

  • 术中导向系统
  • 神经内镜手术
  • 移动成像系统
  • 脑肿瘤荧光染色
  • 术中神经电生理监测


  • 磁共振灌注
  • 功能性磁共振
  • 正电子成像(PET)


  • 术中导向系统
  • 神经内镜手术
  • 移动计算机断层扫描 (CT)
  • 脑肿瘤荧光染色 (5-氨基-γ-酮戊酸)
  • 术中神经电生理监测
  • 调强放疗(IMRT)、图象引导放射治疗 (IGRT)及伽玛刀放射手术




Patients' Rights and Responsibilities

Patients' Rights

1. Right to receive medical care

Patients have the right to receive proper care in a safe setting without discrimination nor should their right to care be violated regardless of their gender, age, religion, social status, nationality, language, race, or physical/mental/financial status. Medical teams shall not refuse to provide care without justifiable reason.

2. Right to be informed and to make an autonomous decision

Patients have the right to obtain full and complete information from their medical team, to ask questions, and to determine their agreement or refusal concerning: diagnosis, treatment (purpose, plans and methods), outcomes of care (including unanticipated outcomes), discharge plan, participation in medical research studies, organ transplantation/donation, etc. Within ethical boundaries, patients may discontinue or refuse treatment, request that the medical team explain and suggest alternative treatments, and reserve the right to make their own decisions.

3. Right to confidentiality

Patients' rights to confidentiality regarding their physical/health status and privacy will not be violated. Patients can expect that all medical records/reports and their personal privacy will be kept confidential unless the patient has given consent or disclosure is permitted by law. To ensure their privacy, patients may be informed that Individuals not directly involved in their care may not be present and that the number of guardians accompanying patients to consultation rooms may be limited.

4. Right to request consultation and mediation

In the event of a medical dispute, patients may request consultation and mediation from an internal or external agency (Korea Consumer Agency, Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency).

5. Right to have values and beliefs respected

Patients will not be discriminated against because of their culture, religious values, or beliefs, and their rights will not be violated.

6. Right to receive care in a safe setting

Patients have the right to receive hospital-provided care where the patient’s medical information is protected and patient safety can be assured. In addition, patients have the right to be protected from possible dangers that can occur in a hospital and to have stability of mind and body.

Patients' Responsibilities

1. Responsibility to trust and respect the medical team

Patients must accurately inform the medical team of their health condition and must trust and respect the medical team's treatment plan. Patients may be responsible for consequences that result from not following instructions.

2. Responsibility to not use dishonest methods for medical treatment

Patients must reveal their identity before receiving any medical care and must not use false or dishonest methods, such as seeking medical care under disguised ownership.

3. Responsibility to abide by all hospital regulations

Patients are expected to treat all hospital staff and other patients with courtesy and respect; to abide by all hospital rules; and to earnestly fulfill their financial obligation to the hospital. Also, patients and their family members are expected to participate in all safety regulations.