133 |
Comparing the Effectiveness of a Wearable Activity Tracker..
2022-04-20 |
501 |
132 |
Effect of perioperative bronchodilator therapy on postoper..
2022-04-20 |
549 |
131 |
Impact of Breast Reconstruction on Biophysical Parameters ..
2022-04-20 |
482 |
130 |
Survival in untreated hepatocellular carcinoma: A national..
2022-04-20 |
507 |
129 |
Alcohol Intake and Mortality in Patients With Chronic Vira..
2022-04-20 |
528 |
128 |
Understanding racial differences of COPD patients with an ..
2022-04-20 |
503 |
127 |
Changes after cancer diagnosis and return to work: experie..
2022-04-20 |
512 |
126 |
Translation and validation of the Korean version of the cl..
2022-04-20 |
489 |
125 |
Chronological Skin Changes Through Postmastectomy Radiothe..
2022-04-20 |
499 |
124 |
The effect of bed-to-nurse ratio on hospital mortality of ..
2022-04-20 |
482 |