Laboratory Medicine and Genetics Faculty / Medical Staff >
The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics helps in the early diagnosis of disease, confirmation of diagnosis, and interpretation of treatment results through various tests on specimens of the human body.
Major areas of treatment
The field of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics is comprehensive and vast, including diagnostic hematology, clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, diagnostic immunology, special chemistry, transfusion medicine, cytogenetics, hematologic genetics, immunogenetics, microbiologic genetics, pharmacogenetics, biochemical genetics, blood type genetics, neurologic genetics, and cancer genetics. We endlessly study evolving medical knowledge and technology, and seek ways to integrate it into patient treatment, playing a big role in improving the quality of medical care provided by the medical personnel. Ten professors with the latest knowledge in various fields of laboratory medicine are in charge of performing tests rapidly and accurately, interpreting results, introducing up-to-date tests, and research with outstanding clinical instructors, residents, and approximately 150 clinical laboratory technologists.
Strong points
We have performed approximately 30 million diagnostic clinical tests for 2,600 test items as of 2014, and the numbers of test items and tests for research are continuously increasing. We are adding new tests using up-to-date methods and introducing new devices every year to qualitatively and quantitatively improve our tests. Our department, with its 180 physicians and laboratory personnel, is leading the continuous growth and advancement of laboratory medicine, and with our specialized genetic laboratory, which performs cellular, neurologic, cancer, hematologic, biochemical, immunologic, drug, microbiologic, and blood test genetic testing, we are attempting to progress into a more advanced laboratory. As tests performed in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics measure very small particles or substances carrying critical information of body, such as DNA, RNA or proteins using cutting-edge technology, a trustworthy system should be established. There are many factors that can influence test results, and it is very important to manage the whole testing process without any mistakes or errors. This is called “quality assurance (QA)” The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics sets new goals every year for the quality improvement of laboratory tests and makes efforts to achieve these goals. We are also running a quality management system to implement the best medical care service. We have obtained not only domestic quality assurance evaluations and certifications from the Korean Association of Quality Assurance for Clinical Laboratories(KAQACL), the Korean Institute of Genetic Testing Evaluation (KIGTE), and the Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine (KSLM), but we have also participated in authoritative quality assurance programs, such as that of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for the first time in Korea in 1995, and obtain reaccreditation every year with excellent reputation through an annual laboratory evaluation which began in 1998. The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics also has a homepage ( for commissioned laboratory tests. It systematically provides convenient and active research testing services and commissioned laboratory testing services to other institutes. Also, we actively accept medical personnel from other institutes for training and run various educational programs for medical personnel or researchers. The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics has established a long-term goal, which is “medical innovation for patient happiness,” which corresponds to the vision of the Samsung Medical Center, and is trying endlessly to achieve this goal. Our role is expected to grow even more in the future.