At Samsung Medical Center, we provide a wide range of specialist medical services for both outpatient and inpatient overseas patients. For appointments at the Samsung Medical Center, kindly complete the registration form and email us. Financial assessment will be performed prior to confirming an appointment.
Personalized, Convenient and Coordinated Care
- Pre-Visit
- Hospital Visit Provide Translation
& Escort Service - Before Discharge
- Continuous Care
Bring medical report is very important. Samsung Medical Center encourages pati- ents to bring all recent, pertinent medical records, including.
- A letter from the local provider s ummarizing the medical condition
- A complete record of immunizations to date
- Copies of medical record information from health care providers outside of Samsung Medical Center
- All radiologic films, CDs and DVDs written radiologic reports related to the clinical question
- All pathology slides(1 STAINED SLIDE, 10 UNSTAINED SLIDE OR paraffin BLOCK) and written pathology reports from relevant biopsies.
If indicated(or if you have pathology report)Please send us your medical reports and films via post or email before your appointment.