Critical Care Medicine Faculty / Medical Staff >
The department of critical care medicine is fully devoted to taking care of patients in the intensive care unit by establishing a 24-hour duty system of board certified doctors in charge of critical patients from various departments, and is prepared 24 hours, 365 days a year to take care of patients in the intensive care unit and acutely deteriorated patients in the ward. SMART stands for Samsung Medical Alarm Response Team, and is a team of medical experts in intensive care that provides early optimal care for inpatients when their state suddenly deteriorates. It is an important patient safety system of the hospital, as medical care is provided by an expert within 10 minutes through an extension hotline if the state of a patient deteriorates or changes, 24 hours, 365 days a year regardless of their department.
Major areas of treatment / Clinics
- Medical care in the intensive care unit
- Critical patient transfer team
- ECMO(Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) specialized team
- Critical patient rehabilitation team
Strong points
1. The only hospital in Korea operated through a multidisciplinary critical patient care team
2. Twenty-four hour medical care by the residing board certified doctor of the department of intensive care medicine in case a patient acutely deteriorates in the intensive care unit or the ward
3. A hospital promoting the happiness of patients and caretakers through free visiting times
For the psychological stability of the patients and their caretakers, we allow visits in the intensive care unit 24 hours a day except for emergencies or if necessary for treatment. As the family is included as a part of the treatment the patient forms trust for the treatment, and caretakers can manage their time more freely, which in turn promotes the happiness of patients.
By modifying the perception of caretakers for the medical personnel giving care to patients 24 hours a day, it is a good opportunity to create mutual understanding and share sympathy between them.
4. Contribute to the public interest through the first critical patient consultation system in Korea
5. Systematic training of medical personnel taking care of critical patients through a newly established critical patient education team
6. Cooperative education and establishment of research infrastructure
Latest treatment methods
1. Awakening and Breathing Coordination, Delirium monitoring and management, and Early mobility (ABCDE) :
A basic treatment protocol for patients in the intensive care unit by minimal use of sedatives to maintain consciousness, attempt self-respiration, and actively check for and treat delirium, to allow early rehabilitation treatment.
2. Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO):
- Acute cardiac failure: Indicated to all acute severe cardiac failure patients including severe myocardial infarction, myocarditis, and stress-induced cardiac failure.
- Acute respiratory failure: It can be applied when the patients’ lungs are not functioning well due to various causes including acute respiratory failures due to viral or bacterial infections, toxins, and burns.
- Patients waiting for cardiac or lung transplantations
3. ICU early rehabilitation:
We start mobilization of critical patients within 24 to 48 hours of admission into the intensive care unit to reduce the occurrence of somasthenia and mental disorders from post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) and to improve the long-term prognosis.
Recent trends in clinical research
Clinical research in the intensive care unit: We are leading the field of research in critical patient care including sepsis, mechanical ventilation, ECMO, and critical patient rehabilitation, and are actively presenting relevant clinical research based on the excellent clinical results of ECMO treatment through a multidisciplinary approach, with the best and most results in this field in Korea. We have proved the safety and raised the possibility of the introduction of critical patient rehabilitation into the country through our first research in this field in Asia, and also reported results on rehabilitation during ECMO treatment.