Pancreatobiliary Cancer Center Faculty / Medical Staff >

The Pancreatobiliary Cancer Center is staffed by a team of board certified doctors from the departments of gastrointestinal surgery, gastroenterology, hematology and oncology, radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, and laboratory medicine. The professors of the Pancreatobiliary Cancer Center perform clinical and basic research to provide accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment. Our faculty also participate in the global project of treating pancreatobiliary cancer joint research with domestic and foreign cancer centers.
Major areas of treatment
Specialties: Pancreatic cancer, gallbladder cancer, metastatic liver cancer, ampulla of Vater cancer, biliary cancer (intrahepatic, perihilar and distal), precancerous lesions of the pancreas and biliary duct (including pancreatic cysts/biliary stenosis/gallbladder polyps)
Even though it is hard to diagnose pancreatobiliary lesions, we provide accurate pathologic diagnosis through up-to-date diagnostic equipment:
- Abdominal CT
- Abdominal MRI
- Positron emission tomography
- Retrograde cholangiopancreatography and cholangioscopy
- Endoscopic ultrasonography
- Contrast enhanced sonography guided biopsy
We have also shown excellent treatment results for various diseases, including pancreatobiliary cancer.
- 5-year post-surgical survival rate for perihilar biliary cancer was 36.7% between 1995 and 2011
- 5-year post surgical survival rate for pancreatic head adenocarcinoma rose from 12.5% (1995-2004) to 27.9% between 2005 and2011.
Diagnostic methods
Pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose at an early stage, and choosing an appropriate treatment method after diagnosis is very important for prognosis. Rapid diagnosis and treatment is possible thanks to collaboration between experts from various fields related to the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer.
First, doctors conduct radiologic tests depending on the patient’s symptoms, physical examination, or prior testing. Based on the radiology test results, we either observe the patient’s condition or order more detailed testing, which may include biopsy. All patient information is then considered comprehensively to make an appropriate diagnosis.
Latest treatment methods
We treat cancer through surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, and endoscopic therapy. For the treatment of pancreatobiliary diseases, we have exceptional personnel, skills, and equipment to improve the welfare of patients not only when curing cancer through surgical intervention, but also when administering palliative treatment to improve patients’ symptoms and quality of life. We provide safe, effective treatment through minimally invasive surgery, customized drug therapy, world-class radiotherapy, retrograde cholangiopancreatography as well as excellent drainage procedures using endoscopic ultrasonography.
Recent trends in clinical research
We are conducting studies to help diagnose early pancreatic cancer, including identifying high-risk groups and tumor markers, developing accurate radiologic tests, and the establishing more accurate biopsy methods. We are currently performing studies to increase the efficacy of surgical excision, expand the application of various chemotherapies and radiotherapies, and improve genetic studies for customized treatment.
Other resources
The Pancreatobiliary Cancer Center conducts clinical and basic research, which gets reported during major medical seminars held domestically and internationally as well as in medical journals. We also participate in joint research projects with domestic and international cancer centers.