Diabetes Center Faculty / Medical Staff >
The medical staff at Diabetes Center takes a collaborative approach to the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. The Diabetes Center consists of specialized groups consisting of endocrinologists, nurses, dieticians, sports medicine specialists, pharmacists and social workers who provide a customized education program to help diabetic patients control their illness.
The Diabetes Center ensures that our web-based blood tester program can help patients control their blood sugar in a structured manner. Our one-stop test and treatment system for diabetes and diabetic complications is focused on patient-centered care.
Diagnostic tests
We preform blood and urine tests to evaluate blood glucose, lipid, renal function.
We also offer continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS) that can track your blood sugar levels for 72 hours. Diabetic complications, such as retinopathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular complications are very serious problems that are known to increase mortality. We regularly screen for diabetic complications using fundoscopy, sensory and motor nerve function tests, autonomic nerve function tests, carotid artery ultrasonography, and peripheral artery doppler examination. Our team is composed of specialists such as ophthalmologists, nephrologists, cardiologist, vascular surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and rehab sepcialists.
Latest treatment methods
To communicate with patients effectively, we developed a smart-phone application that allows patients to record their glucose and food intake. From the information, we can support our patients by adjusting their medications or insulin amounts effectively.
Recent trends in clinical research
We are trying to develop a new insulin pump that can sense the patient’s glucose level and adjust insulin automatically, essentially acting as an artificial pancreas.
This innovative technology would change the lives of insulin-dependent patients suffering from diabetes mellitus.
Other resources
Our Our diabetes education team provides educational programs including group sessions, individual sessions, breakfast and lunch meetings.
From these educational programs, our diabetic patients learn to understand their problem better, and we help motivate them to control their diet and blood sugar more effectively. We also publish over 10,000 copies of our monthly Samsung Diabetes Newsletter for our patients and their families.