Gynecology & Obstetrics Faculty / Medical Staff >
In the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center, we perform accurate diagnosis and treatment for the health of all women, and all medical personnel do their utmost to provide the best medical service.
Major areas of treatment / Clinics
We provide diagnosis and treatment for benign gynecologic diseases including uterine myoma, uterine adenoma, benign tumors of the ovary, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, uterine prolapse, and endometriosis; and malignant gynecologic diseases including cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and uterine sarcoma.
Strong points
We perform 3,600 cases of surgery every year, and of these, 1,830 cases are for benign diseases and 1,770 are for cancer (2014 statistics), which is on the largest scale in Korea. We also run the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center and the Gynecologic Clinical Trial Center to aid in maintaining these statistics.
We have experience of the first single-port surgery in the field of gynecology in the world, and the most cases of uterine-preserving surgery in patients with cervical cancer to maintain pregnancy. Also, we specialize in laparoscopic surgery, and not only perform over 50% of gynecologic cancer surgery with laparoscopic surgery, but also perform robotic surgery for benign and malignant diseases as a leading hospital of robotic surgery in Korea. We are world leaders in the advancement of surgical technique through single-port robotic surgery.
We provide a multi-disciplinary practice for patients with intractable gynecologic malignancies, and personalized medicine through the Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma Clinic and Ovarian Cancer Screening Clinic. We also use authorized, targeted therapy for intractable gynecologic malignancies safely and actively, based on our extensive experience through the Gynecologic Clinical Trial Center and the Molecular Target Therapeutics Research Center.
Other advantages of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center are the rapid treatment process alongside medical care, education, and research, the Patient’s Day celebration to encourage our patients, and the education provided to patients and their caregivers. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center makes these efforts to become “The One, the Best.”
Recent trends in clinical research
The Molecular Target Therapeutics Research Center is performing clinical trials on various new domestic and foreign drugs such as bevacizumab, sorafenib, pazopanib, Morab, and AMG386 for ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and endometrial cancer, and as this has the most clinical trials performed by a single institution, patients have more opportunities to be treated with new drugs at the Samsung Medical Center. We also run a center to provide elderly patients with optimized surgery and chemotherapy in keeping with the trend of an aging society. We provide training on gynecologic surgery, chemotherapy, and clinical trials not only to staff at the Sungkyunkwan University Hospital but also to students, residents, fellows, and specialized tumor nurses from domestic and foreign medical schools.
We, conduct research at the Molecular Target Therapeutics Research Center on the treatment effects and mechanism of action for the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of gynecologic malignancies, and on the patient-derived cancer cell xenograft (PDX) model using humanized mice (avatar mice). In particular, we are the central hospital in the Ovarian Cancer Research Consortium in Korea, and are actively publishing relevant articles in journals. Based on this, we are planning to become a cutting-edge hospital for personalized medicine.
The safest hospital for a mother and baby The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center is making endless efforts to provide the best medical service for the health and happiness of the pregnant mother and fetus. Even though high-risk pregnancies make up over 40% of all pregnant women in our tertiary medical center, our maternal mortality rate is much lower than that of Korea in general and there has been no direct maternal death after birth for the last 20 years in our hospital. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology staff is fully prepared for any emergencies in normal and high-risk pregnancies through an organic collaborative relationship with other departments. Pregnancy-related complications such as pre-term delivery, bleeding, hypertension, and diabetes, as well as various medical and surgical diseases, are treated with special care in collaboration with the faculty of the relevant departments.
Major areas of treatment / Clinics
Special clinics
- The Fetal Comprehensive Care Clinic performs tests (obstetric ultrasonography, fetal echocardiography, amniotic fluid tests, umbilical cord blood sampling, etc.) on patients who are transferred to our hospital for congenital malformations on the day of their visit. We also provide consultations with the professors of the relevant departments on the day of their visit, if surgical treatment is necessary to treat a congenital malformation, such as cardiac or gastrointestinal diseases.
- he Pre-natal Genetic Diagnostic Clinic has a lot of experience in diagnosing various genetic diseases, and the board-certified physicians of the Departments of Obstetrics and Laboratory Medicine are co-operating to provide accurate pre-natal diagnoses.
- The Mother-Child Intensive Care Center aims to increase the survival rate and improve the quality of life of fetuses by establishing top-class treatment through organic collabora tion among relevant departments, such as the Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Thoracic Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Urology, Laboratory Medi cine, and Radiology, to diagnose congenital anomalies of fetuses before birth, and to provide optimal treatment after birth. The major areas of treatment of the Mother-Child Intensive Care Center are treatment of pre-term babies, congenital facial malformations, congenital musculoskeletal disorders, congenital gastrointestinal diseases, congenital urologic diseases, congenital central nervous system diseases, and congenital cardiac malformations (please refer to the MOTHER-CHILD INTENSIVE CARE CENTER homepage).
Strong points
In the obstetrics (obstetric fetal medicine) part of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center, a board-certified physician takes exclusive care of the out- and inpatients, and we maintain a system where a board-certified physician can rapidly deal with emergencies in the ward and delivery room 24 hours a day.
The delivery room has space for treating patients in labor, during delivery for surgery, and in obstetric emergencies, as well as for medical devices. In 2015, we changed all labor rooms into single rooms through remodeling, so that the patient can prepare for delivery with their caregiver during labor in a private space. In addition, we have a 24-hour duty system with dedicated anesthesiologists that enables us to perform painless delivery 24 hours a day, and rapid surgical treatment is possible whenever emergency surgery is necessary. Also, in case of post-partum bleeding, which is the most common cause of maternal death, we can perform uterine artery embolism 24 hours a day through emergency collaboration with the Department of Radiology. We have received first class in the relevance evaluation of performed caesarian sections by the Ministry of Health and Welfare every year, and have been commended for having reduced the number of unnecessary procedures and having enhanced patient safety. Particularly in the family delivery room, the mother and her family can participate in all stages of the birth including labor, delivery, and recovery, and there are cutting-edge devices present to monitor the status of the fetus, along with a specially designed bed that allows adjustment during the process of delivery. Also, we possess up-to-date equipment for emergencies including treatment beds for newborns, and various amenities for the convenience of the family including refrigerators, audio systems, TVs, and shower booths.
In the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Samsung Medical Center, we provide top-class medical service for fetuses and newborns. Since the opening of our hospital, we have implemented rooming-in systems to allow mothers and babies to stay together in our obstetric ward and encouraged mothers to breastfeed their babies. In 1997, our hospital was certified by UNICEF as a "Baby Friendly Hospital." We have the largest team, amongst all the hospitals in Korea, with 20 breastfeeding and infant care experts to help mothers and babies form the most natural and closest relationship. In addition, our neonatal intensive care unit is known for the highest survival rate of pre-term babies and the survival of the smallest pre-term babies in Korea, and works closely with other departments in our Pediatric Adolescent Center.
Diagnostic tests
We perform various ultrasound tests including detailed ultrasonography in early pregnancy, mid-pregnancy, and late pregnancy, and fetal echocardiography, to diagnose various congenital fetal malformations pre-natally. In particular, if a patient is transferred from another hospital with the diagnosis of a fetal congenital heart malformation, detailed ultrasonography performed by a board-certified physician is available on the day of the visit.
We perform comprehensive screening tests for congenital malformations in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy to increase the probability of diagnosing Down syndrome and neural tube defects, and amniotic fluid tests can be performed if necessary. Various other pre-natal tests can be performed for various genetic disorders.
Latest treatment methods
Through the amniopatch procedure, we make efforts to lengthen the duration of pregnancy and enhance the survival rate of the newborn in patients with premature rupture of membranes before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
We possess various fetal treatment technologies and equipment including fetal endoscope, laser therapy, high-frequency ablation, and ex utero intra-partum treatment (EXIT), and perform active treatment for fetal abnormalities that are treatable pre-natally.
Recent trends in clinical research
We are in the process of conducting placental research to find factors inducing or involved in pre-eclampsia and intra-uterine growth retardation, and are actively participating in this research in the hope of understanding the pathogenesis of these disorders, and to contribute to the prevention and treatment of them in the future. We are also actively participating as a leading institute in the national multi-center clinical study for the prediction and prevention of pre-term delivery, which is the most important cause of death in newborns.
Recent trends in clinical research
Information on breastfeeding support meetings: The Samsung Medical Center is a UNICEF certified Baby Friendly Hospital, and holds continuous breastfeeding support meetings after delivery.
- Date : Wednesday mornings 11:30 ~ 12:00 every week, Friday afternoons 16:00 ~ 16:30 every week
- Registration : Registration can be done in the counseling room when visiting the outpatient clinics of the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology or Pediatrics
- Location : First floor outpatient clinic of the Department of Pediatrics
- Content : Breastfeeding methods, sharing difficulties