Urology Faculty / Medical Staff >

The Department of Urology diagnoses and treats diseases of the urologic tract (kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra), which produces, transports, and excretes urine; of the male genital organs (testis, epididymis, ejaculatory tract, scrotum, and penis); accessory sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicle, and bulbourethral gland); adrenal glands; and the retroperitoneum.
Major areas of treatment / Clinics
The Department of Urology at the Samsung Medical Center is divided into various fields including urologic tumor, andrology, urination disorders and female urology, pediatric urology, internal urology, renal transplantation, and urologic tract reconstruction, and is composed of first-class professors, fellows and residents in each field of expertise.
Strong points
The Department of Urology has the latest equipment and techniques including surgical robots, high-intensity focal ultrasonography, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, a microsurgical system, laparoscopic/endoscopic system, and fluoroscopic surgical tables. It provides excellent medical service to patients using various treatment methods from extensive radical treatments to robotic surgery, microsurgery, and conservative treatments.
Diagnostic tests
We perform not only up-to-date radiologic diagnostic tests such as ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET-CT, but also various urologic tests which are run promptly according to systematic guidelines to increase the accuracy of diagnostic tests. We also perform painful tests such as prostatic biopsy or ureteric stent insertion under sleep anesthesia to improve patient quality of life and satisfaction.
Latest treatment methods
The Department of Urology at the Samsung Medical Center, which plays a leading role in performing robotic surgery and minimally invasive surgery using endoscopy/laparoscopy and single-port endoscopy, performs the most cases of high-intensity focused ultrasonography for prostate cancer and radiofrequency thermal ablation for renal cancer in Korea. Recently, a cutting-edge proton center was constructed to allow for the most appropriate treatment for patients in various fields of urology to be applied, from surgery to proton therapy. Also, first-class professors and experts in each field are researching, developing, and applying pioneering and difficult treatment methods to lead the way in improving treatment results.
Recent trends in clinical research
Through clinical and basic research on various urologic tumors, we are doing our utmost to overcome intractable cancers that are impossible to cure using conventional treatment. Also, we are showing the best clinical and basic research results in Korea in the field of urination disorders and andrology.
The Department of Urology is rapidly advancing with the advancement of modern medicine, and will remain a leader due to our investment in the latest medical devices and the efforts of our excellent professors.