Lim, Do Hoon Radiation Oncology
Professor & Chairman Department of Radiation Oncology Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 뇌종양, 소아암, 위암, 위말트림프종, 중추신경계림프종, 육종(척추,사지), 다발성골수종, 특수방사선치료, 양성자치료
Authors and reference |
Children | Complications /procedures |
% | Complications | Comments |
Fortney et al (2) | 123 | 32/2706 | 1.2% | Sepsis=11, laryngospasm=13, airway obstruction=5, arrhythmia=3 |
Sum of events included simulations Sum of events included 222 simulations |
Seiler et al (9) | 74 | 85/1033 | 8.2% | Of the 81 noted complications, 13 are in patients deemed to have pulses > 160 | |
Anghelescu et al (10) | 177 | 49/3833 | 1.3% | Described a large number of complication that would be considered by many as normal events | |
Wojciessek et al (11) | 16 | 0/739 (0/267 in 16 children) |
0.00% | Reported no complications during treatment | |
Current report | 138 | 3/4045 | 0.0074% | Complications described in text: aspiration=2;fall=1 | Sum of events included simulations |
Professor & Chairman Department of Radiation Oncology Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 뇌종양, 소아암, 위암, 위말트림프종, 중추신경계림프종, 육종(척추,사지), 다발성골수종, 특수방사선치료, 양성자치료
Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 소아고형암, 유전성암
Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 빈혈, 소아암, 백혈병, 출혈, 혈소판감소증, 조혈모세포이식
Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 신경모세포종, 뇌종양, 고위험고형암, 조혈모세포이식
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 골낭종, 병적골절, 골육종(골암), 근골격계종양
Special Interests : 소아마취, 수술실외부마취