We will strive to provide you with not only the treatment, but also, an enhanced quality of life

Wellness Care


Exercise Program

It is a physical activity enhancement program designed to maintain a healthy life after the treatment by identifying the optimal workout and workout amount through continuous consultations.

  • [Slide]Exercise Program for Proton Therapy Patients

    0 2692

Nutrition Program

This is a program a nutrition enhancement program that helps fast recovery through continuous nutrition training and consultations during the treatment period.

  • [Slide]Nutrition Program for Proton Therapy Patients

    0 1590

Mental Care Program

In operating the mental stability program, we are committed to providing peace of mind through continuous observation and suitable consultation of the mental status of both the patient and care-taker.

  • [Slide]Mental Program for Proton Therapy Patients

    0 1694
EASY Contents
  • What is bragg peak?

    [Slide]What is bragg peak?

  • Should we learn about the Proton Treatment Method?

    [Slide]Should we learn about the Proton Treatment Method?