4 Ways to get more out of your workout routine
These days, the growing interest in a healthy lifestyle encourages more people to do various exercises regularly. Modern city dwellers are always advised to work out to build muscle mass and thereby increase their basal metabolic rate. Working out also strengthens cardiopulmonary function, reduces body fat, lowers blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and drives down blood lipid levels. Yet, the caveat: do you know that some bad habits can undermine the effect of exercise? Let me explain how to fix some of the easily overlooked, undesirable habits and ways to get the best outcome.
I play golf every weekend, isn’t it good enough?
More and more people are enjoying playing golf these days. Golf is a high-intensity activity that consumes over 1,000 calories in four hours. Golfers need to control their power continuously as they swing a club and this helps them to improve flexibility and physical strength, especially the upper body muscles. Despite these advantages, wrong body posture can expose your body to severe stress. Therefore, it is important to learn the correct golf posture and try to maintain it. Playing golf also has a positive, aerobic-like effect on a player’s heart and lungs as they usually walk about 10 kilometers during the game. This effect is nullified however if you travel around the golf course in a golf cart or rest too often. Therefore, going around on foot is recommended.
At least I go walking three times a week, still not good enough?
Walking can be an ideal exercise as it can be done almost everywhere and anytime. Speeding up the pace can burn calories faster, up to more than 200 calories an hour. Walking enhances cardiopulmonary function, develops leg muscles, and raises bone density. Even if you don’t have much time, walking for just 20 minutes several times a day can be effective. One thing to remember is that just because you walk more does not mean you need extra energy intake. The exercise may turn out to be of no use if you eat more than usual to relieve the hunger. Be mindful not to gorge yourself with snacks or soft drinks.
Exercise is not a silver bullet
Although exercise is beneficial, it can easily lead to overeating. Taking in calories which exceeds your daily exercise will increase your body weight eventually. Since workout involves spending your precious time, be careful not to intake too much calories, as well as sugar and fat during or in between meals.
A diet for better exercise outcomes
- Increase protein intake from lean meat, fish, or tofu
- Allow yourself only a small amount of high-calorie nut snacks, 5 to 10 at most
- Avoid high-carbohydrate snacks, if their calories cannot be offset by doing more exercise
- Choose milk containing modest but adequate amounts of sugar and protein over fruit juices or sport drinks
- Drink black coffee which has lower calories than other types of coffee
- Avoid alcohol, which is also high in calories. If you have to drink, then try not to exceed two units (of alcohol) per day.
Your health is important. The long and cold winter is over and the warm spring days are here. This is good time to start finding your best exercise plan and stick to it to keep your body in good shape.