Truths About Fast Food Your Body Will Never Forget

The Truths Fast Food Restaurants Will ​Never Tell You
Truths About Fast Food Your Body Will Never Forget

Fast food restaurants are almost always bustling with people looking for a quick bite.
They prepare and serve food like burgers, pizzas, French fries, fried chickens, and onion rings very quickly. Thanks to its great taste and convenience, fast food has become part of our daily life and a popular meal option for busy workers and students. In fact, more and more people are having fast food at least once per week and, particularly, teenagers eat it more frequently than other age groups.
While it suits our taste, does fast food suit our body, too?

Fast Food Causes Nutritional Imbalance
High in Calories, Saturated fat, and Sodium

Fast food is nutritionally unbalanced. It’s low in healthy nutrients such as dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals but high in animal fat, trans fat, sugar, and sodium that cause numerous conditions when taken too much.
Generally, one standard burger meal exceeds recommended meal calories by 39%. One chicken meal, which includes two chicken pieces, corn salad, biscuit, and coke, exceeds them by up to 59%, the daily limit to saturated fat by up to 173%, and that of sodium by 94%. If you have two slices of pizza or more for a meal, you also take more calories than recommended for a meal and over 80% of your daily limit to saturated fat.

A Bite of Fast Food is
a Highway to Obesity and Diabetes

According to a study, when people who hadn’t usually eaten fast food had it once every week, their daily calorie intake and weight increased by 234.4kcal and 0.72kg on average.  High calories in fast food causes 
obesity, and at the same time thanks to its high level of unhealthy fat (saturated/trans fat), the more often you have fast food, the higher the risk of developing various conditions goes.  Those who have fast food at least twice a week were found out to have 27% higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes and show 56% higher chance to die of coronary heart diseases than those who don’t.
While many fast food restaurants try to reassure us by promoting their organic burgers and chicken fried in healthy oil, we shouldn’t forget that fast food still poses health risks.  If you don’t like to give up your health in 10 to 15 years just for a moment of convenience and savory taste from fast food, how about a healthy and balanced alternative like Bibimbap for lunch today?